Enable Unified Audit on Linux and Windows Mustafa, 2021-09-08 Hi, As you know, since 12c Oracle introduce Unified Auditing which has much more capabilities than standard auditing. Creating policies, audit conditions, top level auditing etc. By default Oracle uses “mixed” mode which allows you to run unified auditing commands and standard auditing. you can check if you are using unified auditing by default: Oracle PL/SQL select * from v$option where PARAMETER = 'Unified Auditing'; 1 select * from v$option where PARAMETER = 'Unified Auditing'; if result is FALSE then you are not using unified auditing, you are using either mixed mode or standard auditing. Unfortunately, enabling unified auditing is not as easy as changing a parameter. On Linux OS: shutdown all oracle components (database, listener etc) then Oracle PL/SQL cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib make -f ins_rdbms.mk uniaud_on ioracle 12 cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/libmake -f ins_rdbms.mk uniaud_on ioracle then start database and listener. On Windows OS: shutdown all oracle components (database, listener etc) BUT on Windows you must shutdown and start Oracle Services. shutting down and starting database using sqlplus will not work. Open services.msc and find Oracle database and listener services and stop them. after stopping services, rename the %ORACLE_HOME%/bin/orauniaud19.dll.dbl file to %ORACLE_HOME%/bin/orauniaud19.dll. 19 in the name of dll is your version if you are using 12c then you must rename orauniaud12.dll.dbl (or orauniaud12.dll.option) file. and then start windows services. you can check v$option view as I wrote above to see if unified auditing is enabled. if you are not using unified auditing policies by now, you should start using them. probably they will be the only audit feature in the future. Also they are much more easier than standard auditing. You have much more option to create audit rows. for example if you are using an APEX web application (or any other) you application will logon to database with same user. if you want to audit only few of your users you can use SYS_CONTEXT values like client identifier and you can audit only those users which has specific client identifier info. Also you can create conditions to audit specific database users too. One of the most important thing is new unified audit table is tamper proof, you can not run DML on it so your audit data will be safe (unfortunately you can modify standard auditing base table AUD$). So, don’t be late. wish you healthy days, don’t forget to get your vaccination. 12c 18c 19c 21c Administration Security enable unified auditenable unified audit on linuxenable unified audit on windowsunified audit