Querying CDB_* Views Generates Audit Records Mustafa, 2023-10-04 Hi, I would like to share a small problem I had on one of my databases. I had a common user on my CDBs to manage the databases (version is 19.20). On my databases, I use unified auditing and traditional audit is off. ORA_LOGON_FAILURES and ORA_SECURECONFIG policies are only enabled… Continue Reading
Sessions with details Mustafa, 2023-09-212023-09-21 Hi, Today I just want to share a small select statement that I used (my original one is a little bit longer). I use this to get as much as “important” data from sessions in the database. By saying “important”, I mean the data that I use to identify the… Continue Reading
NON-CDB to PDB Migration Horror Mustafa, 2023-04-27 Hello everyone, Lately I migrated a non-cdb to pdb for a client database and it almost become a horror movie for over 2 weeks to me. before I start, if you want to know how to migrate from a non-cdb to pdb you can check one of my previous post:… Continue Reading
Old Obsolete Backup is not Deleted Mustafa, 2023-01-232023-01-23 Hi, Happy new year (after almost a month). I was quite busy and lazy to write a new blog post but today I found the energy. What I realized newly is a little bit shocking for me because I had no idea! Maybe this is just an ignorance of me… Continue Reading
APPLY with status WITH ERRORS in the PDB Mustafa, 2022-10-29 Yesterday, I was doing some tests about noncdb to pdb conversions and during one of these tests I got a strange error. By the way, I am doing those tests because of a side effect of noncdb to pdb. I have already created an SR about it and write a… Continue Reading
catcon.pl cheat sheet Mustafa, 2022-08-262023-04-24 Hello, Oracle uses a container database architecture permanently anymore, you should be familiar with “catcon.pl” perl file. Let’s say you have container database with 10 different PDBs and you need to run a script file on all of those pdbs (maybe even in root and seed too) so what you… Continue Reading
3 Ways to Migrate a Non-CDB Database to a PDB Mustafa, 2022-03-252022-03-26 Hi Everyone, Time is fast and everything is changing constantly. Multi-tenant architecture has come many years ago and starting by 21c, it is the only option! So, old “non-cdb” databases must be migrated/converted to a PDB (Pluggable database). I must admin that I was being lazy for many years and… Continue Reading
STOPPED Job While Migrating Non-CDB to PDB via Autoupgrade Mustafa, 2022-03-202022-03-20 Hi, Lately, I started to learn about autoupgrade which is the new upgrade tool for almost anything. Many thanks to Mike Dietrich for amazing blog posts ( https://mikedietrichde.com ). His blog is a real treasure. I am about to migrate some non-cdbs to pdbs and before doing that I wanted… Continue Reading