APPLY with status WITH ERRORS in the PDB Mustafa, 2022-10-29 Yesterday, I was doing some tests about noncdb to pdb conversions and during one of these tests I got a strange error. By the way, I am doing those tests because of a side effect of noncdb to pdb. I have already created an SR about it and write a post here later. here is the environment in my test case; I installed Linux 8.6 on Virtual Box, Oracle 19c (19.16 RU) and two databases on same home, orcl and cdb19. orcl is noncdb database and cdb19 is the container database. I created both databases via dbca at the same time and dbca completed successfully (at least I thought so). Both databases are up and running. So I started noncdb to pdb conversion via autouptrade tool (latest version 22.5). I also tried, db link and unplug/plug methods too. So after starting autoupgrade it completed successfully but when I login into database and open new pdb, it raises some errors. in pdb_plug_in_violations, I saw “APPLY with status WITH ERRORS in the PDB” error. For some reason, datapatch didn’t run correctly after dbca operation for orcl (noncdb) database. I run datapatch for orcl database again, it did some patching and re-run autoupgrade. After that operation completed and pdb created successfully. by the way, my main problem still exists. this migrated pdb has its own data dictionary (which shouldn’t be because data dictionary is in cdb$root). anyway if you ever encounter with this error you can try datapatch again. wish you all healthy happy days. 19c 21c Administration Multi-tenant migrate to pdbnoncdb to pdbPDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS