Create a Clone DB from Backup on the Same Server (or remote) Mustafa, 2021-04-262021-04-27 Hi, I wanted to create a post series about cloning/duplicating database on the same or remote servers. There are so many options and combinations about this like rman duplicate database with/without target/source db connection, rman restore using backups, ASM to OS or OS to ASM, same server or remote server,… Continue Reading
Pragma UDF & Deterministic Mustafa, 2021-04-09 Hello everyone, I wanted to write about something simple and can improve the performance of your sql statements. Unfortunately, many database developers use too much plsql function in their SQL statements. I say too much because if you learn more about the SQL, you will use less plsql. SQL is… Continue Reading
PLSQL and Flashback Data Archive Problems. Mustafa, 2021-01-302021-01-30 Hi, I have written about flashback data archive before. if you didn’t read please check these post first. I’ve already mentioned about some problems on my second post but these are not kind of problems which will stop your work. The problem I am about talk is that… Continue Reading
ORA-24244: invalid host or port for access control list (ACL) assignment Mustafa, 2020-12-24 Hello everyone, So you wanted to migrate your ACLs to another database or you are trying to add a new acl entity but you got ORA-24244. There are many reasons for that error unfortunately. I wish Oracle provides us more detail about what is the error but I wanted to… Continue Reading
export import ACL & ORA-24244 error during import Mustafa, 2020-12-16 Hello everyone, it’s been a while since my last post. So, I wanted to write about export and import ACL privileges. They always become a pain (at least for me). after 12c, Oracle introduce us a new and easy way of ACL copying from db to db. export&import. so here… Continue Reading
Which Column has Changed in Every Row? Mustafa, 2020-11-022020-11-03 Hi, Edit: Thanks to Chris Saxon who is from asktom team, checked my code and warned me about a problem. Not to overload the PGA fetch_rows function only fetches 1024 rows at once so every row set chunk size is 1024. In this case for the 1025th row, previous row… Continue Reading
SQL Macro Part2 column_value = nvl(:param, column_value) Mustafa, 2020-10-302021-09-23 Hi, Since I am working on “SQL Macro”, I am keep testing things. so please see my previous post: as mentioned in previous post, is it possible to get rid of column_value = nvl(:param, column_value) conditions? since they become a huge pain in big and complex queries. I provided… Continue Reading
SQL Macro is finally here! Mustafa, 2020-10-282020-10-29 Hi, I was waiting for this for a long time. Finally we can use sql macro in Oracle database. Actually I was excited when I first read about this but after my tests, I stuck at some points. I was hoping to use this as “parameterized views” as in, send… Continue Reading
Direct Path Insert &/vs Conventional Insert Mustafa, 2020-10-27 Hi there, I couldn’t write anything for a while. Those days were busy. So I would talk to about direct path insert and conventional insert. Many people think that they are using “direct path insert” when used sqlldr utility but they are not. it is easy to confused batch insert… Continue Reading