V$SqlStats vs V$SqlStats_Plan_Hash, different columns? Mustafa, 2020-07-012020-07-01 Hi there, V$SQLSTATSis a beautiful view for information about sql statements. you might say v$sql has that information too which is correct but V$SQLSTATSis much more faster than v$sql and keeps data about sql statements for a longer time than v$sql. https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/19/refrn/V-SQLSTATS.html However, the V$SQLSTATS view differs from V$SQL and V$SQLAREA in that it is faster,… Continue Reading
Performance Gain of NOCOPY Parameters Mustafa, 2020-06-262022-08-31 Hi, Almost every Oracle database uses PLSQL codes like packages/procedures/functions etc. Complex systems with complex codes pass many arguments (parameters) many times between plsql objects. Passing parameters might be the most executed operations in a database. So how well do you pass your parameters? I assume you know about types… Continue Reading
Oracle Join Methods Mustafa, 2020-06-262020-06-26 Hi, Actually I won’t explain anything today. I will just share a video by Chris Saxon who is also from askTom team. Great guy, you should also follow him. So he made a great, so simple and explanatory video that I have ever seen. Many thanks to Chris. Please watch. Continue Reading
Code Base Access Control & Invoker’s Right Mustafa, 2020-06-212020-07-14 Hi, So you might have already used some “invoker’s right” functions. As you know when you create a procedure/package/function and grant execute on them to other users, whenever other user run those codes, they will run with your privilege. Sometimes you might need those objects to run with “invoker’s right”…. Continue Reading
Native Compilation of a PLSQL Object Mustafa, 2020-06-17 Hi, you’ve probably heard about “NATIVE” compilation about plsql objects. I wanted to demonstrate how it is work and whether it really does matter or not. By default Oracle compiles every plsql object as “INTERPRETED” which means, your plsql code transform into a intermediate form which interpreted every time when… Continue Reading
What is the Max Size of an Oracle Database? Mustafa, 2020-06-05 Hi, sometimes I search for “what is the biggest” or “what is the highest” of things and I just realized that I never checked for the max size of an Oracle Database. so based on the limitations ( https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/19/refrn/physical-database-limits.html#GUID-939CB455-783E-458A-A2E8-81172B990FE9 ) and using default settings; default tablespace type is “smallfile” which… Continue Reading
Parsing CSV Lines and columns in PLSQL Mustafa, 2020-06-032020-06-03 Hi, Yesterday, one of my customers asked for help to tune a procedure and when I investigated the problem I find out that their method to get a specific “column” value in csv file was the problem. So we discuss the situation and adopt a new version of the code…. Continue Reading
Min/Max on same column Mustafa, 2020-05-222020-05-22 Hi, Let’s do a simple trick. You want to get min and max value of a column which is already indexed. As you know if you have an btree index on a column and try to get a Min or Max value then you will see an “Index Full Scan(Min/Max)”… Continue Reading
Be careful on Standard Edition 2 CPU Licensing Mustafa, 2020-04-222020-04-22 Hi, Today I looked for some dedicated servers for two of my customers. They have Standard Edition 2 (SE2) License. So this license says you can have only 1 CPU socket on the machine it does not matter how many core it has! this is really great reason to use… Continue Reading