DBCA Templates and Dangerous “General Purpose” Template Mustafa, 2023-05-11 Hi, I still see that many dba is creating their databases using “General Purpose or Transaction Processing” template. Why you shouldn’t use it? Because it is way too general! if you click the “view details” on the right: Almost all the “Components” are true. So it installs everything even… Continue Reading
NON-CDB to PDB Migration Horror Mustafa, 2023-04-27 Hello everyone, Lately I migrated a non-cdb to pdb for a client database and it almost become a horror movie for over 2 weeks to me. before I start, if you want to know how to migrate from a non-cdb to pdb you can check one of my previous post:… Continue Reading
23c is Finally Here! Mustafa, 2023-04-06 Hello everyone, Well, it is just developer version so don’t try to install on your environments 🙂 My twitter is full of 23c tweets about these days. I also downloaded immediately and tested what I wanted the most for 4-5 years! “Schema Level Privileges” and I am so excited about… Continue Reading
Not Deploying is also Important! Mustafa, 2023-03-31 Hello there, I mentioned about writing a nasty ORA-600 error and here it is; One day I woke up and one my databases was started to raise some ORA-600 errors: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ktfacht1-0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] there were also… Continue Reading
Old Obsolete Backup is not Deleted Mustafa, 2023-01-232023-01-23 Hi, Happy new year (after almost a month). I was quite busy and lazy to write a new blog post but today I found the energy. What I realized newly is a little bit shocking for me because I had no idea! Maybe this is just an ignorance of me… Continue Reading
Autoupgrade doesn’t Upgrade Timezone Version While RU Patching Mustafa, 2022-11-162022-11-18 Hi, during some tests, I realized that autoupgrade tool (the magic tool for upgrade and patching) doesn’t upgrade timezone version of database. here is the environment: Oracle Linux 8.6 ORACLE_HOME 1 :/u01/app/oracle/product/dbhome_1/dbhome_19_3 Database orcl created in 19.3 with default time zone version (V32) ORACLE_HOME 2 :/u01/app/oracle/product/dbhome_1/dbhome_19_16 Time zone version is… Continue Reading
Unique Columns For V$Sql Mustafa, 2022-11-11 Hi, Until yesterday I was saying SQL_ID and CHILD_NUMBER is enough to get a sql child cursor from V$SQL and today I know I was wrong. Probably many times you needed the sql statement that a session is running. To do that you query V$session and find the session information… Continue Reading
Should Run datapatch After DBCA Mustafa, 2022-11-032022-11-03 Yesterday, I was testing some stuff in database and I needed to create new homes/new databases (new life new beginning). at a point I realized that something is not right about database. One thing to another I found the reason and it was interesting to me. I used DBCA to… Continue Reading
APPLY with status WITH ERRORS in the PDB Mustafa, 2022-10-29 Yesterday, I was doing some tests about noncdb to pdb conversions and during one of these tests I got a strange error. By the way, I am doing those tests because of a side effect of noncdb to pdb. I have already created an SR about it and write a… Continue Reading