Autoupgrade doesn’t Upgrade Timezone Version While RU Patching Mustafa, 2022-11-162022-11-18 Hi, during some tests, I realized that autoupgrade tool (the magic tool for upgrade and patching) doesn’t upgrade timezone version of database. here is the environment: Oracle Linux 8.6 ORACLE_HOME 1 :/u01/app/oracle/product/dbhome_1/dbhome_19_3 Database orcl created in 19.3 with default time zone version (V32) ORACLE_HOME 2 :/u01/app/oracle/product/dbhome_1/dbhome_19_16 Time zone version is… Continue Reading
3 Ways to Migrate a Non-CDB Database to a PDB Mustafa, 2022-03-252022-03-26 Hi Everyone, Time is fast and everything is changing constantly. Multi-tenant architecture has come many years ago and starting by 21c, it is the only option! So, old “non-cdb” databases must be migrated/converted to a PDB (Pluggable database). I must admin that I was being lazy for many years and… Continue Reading
STOPPED Job While Migrating Non-CDB to PDB via Autoupgrade Mustafa, 2022-03-202022-03-20 Hi, Lately, I started to learn about autoupgrade which is the new upgrade tool for almost anything. Many thanks to Mike Dietrich for amazing blog posts ( ). His blog is a real treasure. I am about to migrate some non-cdbs to pdbs and before doing that I wanted… Continue Reading