Unique Columns For V$Sql Mustafa, 2022-11-11 Hi, Until yesterday I was saying SQL_ID and CHILD_NUMBER is enough to get a sql child cursor from V$SQL and today I know I was wrong. Probably many times you needed the sql statement that a session is running. To do that you query V$session and find the session information… Continue Reading
V$SqlStats vs V$SqlStats_Plan_Hash, different columns? Mustafa, 2020-07-012020-07-01 Hi there, V$SQLSTATSis a beautiful view for information about sql statements. you might say v$sql has that information too which is correct but V$SQLSTATSis much more faster than v$sql and keeps data about sql statements for a longer time than v$sql. https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/19/refrn/V-SQLSTATS.html However, the V$SQLSTATS view differs from V$SQL and V$SQLAREA in that it is faster,… Continue Reading