SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS Parameter and How can It Affect the Database Mustafa, 2022-07-02 Hello, Let’s talk about the SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS parameter. It might have significant affect on your system so understanding how it works and what it cause is important. This parameter limits the number of cached cursors on the session. As you know there is 2 kind of parse SOFT and HARD. Hard… Continue Reading
Marked as unrecoverable datafile in V$datafile even if they are not! Mustafa, 2022-06-292022-07-18 Hello, it has been a while since I posted. I lost a close relative to me and it wasn’t easy. So, let’s continue. I run orachk on one my development databases yesterday and result was very informative. Interestingly, I had a “FAILED” check that indicates some of the datafiles are… Continue Reading
How to Convert LONG to Clob PART 2 Mustafa, 2022-05-062022-05-06 Hi, I just want to write a small post today. Some time ago, I shared a way to convert long to clob in a query directly: Even if this method works, it works really slow and anything slow annoys me! So, I want to share another method which is much… Continue Reading
Zero Data Loss DISASTER Database for Standard Edition 2 Mustafa, 2022-04-22 Hi, As you know Data Guard is an Enterprise Edition option and only accepted method to protect your data against a “DISASTER” (DR) is data guard. How about Standard Edition 2(SE2)? Is this possible? Well I did it so, king of yes 🙂 with some risk of course. Warining: I… Continue Reading
Indexes with NOSEGMENT a.k.a Virtual Index Mustafa, 2022-03-302022-03-30 Hi, Today, an old trainee has contacted with my on linkedin and we talk about some performance issues about a query. During the conversation I suggest to use “virtual indexes” to simulate the index so I wanted to write about virtual indexes and their benefits in this post. if you… Continue Reading
3 Ways to Migrate a Non-CDB Database to a PDB Mustafa, 2022-03-252022-03-26 Hi Everyone, Time is fast and everything is changing constantly. Multi-tenant architecture has come many years ago and starting by 21c, it is the only option! So, old “non-cdb” databases must be migrated/converted to a PDB (Pluggable database). I must admin that I was being lazy for many years and… Continue Reading
STOPPED Job While Migrating Non-CDB to PDB via Autoupgrade Mustafa, 2022-03-202022-03-20 Hi, Lately, I started to learn about autoupgrade which is the new upgrade tool for almost anything. Many thanks to Mike Dietrich for amazing blog posts ( ). His blog is a real treasure. I am about to migrate some non-cdbs to pdbs and before doing that I wanted… Continue Reading
How to install Oracle Database Options like Spatial, Label Security etc After DB Creation Mustafa, 2022-03-032022-03-11 Hi, yes, I am aware that title is a little bit long and too informative but I believe it is necessary because terms are complicated according to me. When you say “option” it could be many thinks like “advanced compression” option in EE or Spatial option or Partitioning option and… Continue Reading
Tables with Memoptimize for Write (fast ingest) Mustafa, 2022-02-232022-03-03 Hi There, this is the second part of this post: Oracle adda new feature called memoptimized tables for mostly devices like IoTs. Fast lookup and fast ingest tables. I have already mentioned about fast lookup (memoptimize for read) tables in my previous post and now I want to write… Continue Reading