Oracle Enterprise Manager Express 19c missing menus Mustafa, 2020-04-08 Hello again, Today, I’ve read a thread in the community and OP was asking for missing menus like Configuration, Storage, Tablespaces, users etc. This is the default behavior now! Since flash become obsolete slowly, Oracle leaves old EM Express flash version and comes up with Java Jet and default is… Continue Reading
How to convert a LONG column to CLOB directly in a query Mustafa, 2020-04-062020-04-06 Hi, This is a big problem since LONG is a very painful data type. You cannot search in it, use it in CTAS (create table as), pass it to a plsql object as parameter etc. Oracle strongly suggest not to use a LONG column anymore but unfortunately there are many… Continue Reading
PL/SQL package SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE version in TARGET database is not current after upgrade Mustafa, 2020-04-06 Hi there, Yesterday I upgraded a 19.3 database to 19.6 on Windows 10 Pro and after upgrade Rman starts to give two warnings: PL/SQL package SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE version in TARGET database is not current PL/SQL package SYS.DBMS_RCVMAN version in TARGET database is not current this didn’t happen when I… Continue Reading
Oracle 18c New feature Private Temporary Table Mustafa, 2020-03-22 Hello, 18c introduced a new object called Private Temporary Table (I will call it PTT in this post). PTT is just another version of Global Temporary Table(GTT). The data is temporary and will be stored for a time. Data in temporary tables (both PTT and GTT) can be queried by… Continue Reading
Using “User” function in a scheduled Job Mustafa, 2020-03-172020-03-17 Hi there, I wanted to talk about a problem that I faced recently. Also I thought about the subject because this post is also related with “Session user vs Schema”. Whenever I use the term of “Job” I will be talking about Dbms_Scheduler Jobs not Dbms_Job! When you created a… Continue Reading
Sequential ID column without gap! Mustafa, 2020-02-062020-02-06 Hello, A customer is asking to you generate order numbers one by one and without gap! What an unpleasant request isn’t it? if you are not familiar to databases then you might think that this request is logical but it is not. So your customer asked for this and you… Continue Reading
CLOB size matters! Mustafa, 2019-07-312020-07-05 Hi, Many developer and DBA has an idea about the storing clobs. Basic rule is “if length of clob is higher tan 4000 then it will be stored in lob segment not in table segment” which is correct but sometimes misinterpreted! if you have a clob column in your table,… Continue Reading
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist and sequences as default value Mustafa, 2019-07-232020-07-05 Hello, after 12c or above we are able to set sequence’s nextval as the default value of an ID column. One of my customer started to complain about the ORA 00942 (table or view does not exist) error even if they have all necessary privileges on the table. After a… Continue Reading
How to Get Your SID? USERENV vs V$MYSTAT! Mustafa, 2019-05-232020-07-05 Hello everyone, This is an easy question. How to find your own session SID and when you ask Google for it, you will find many answers. While reading some documents, I realized that some Gurus are using V$MYSTAT to get current SID: Oracle PL/SQL select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1; 1 select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1; I always prefer USERENV(‘SID’) context to get… Continue Reading